Product Introduction Cronology

AMSOIL has a documented history of innovation and leadership.

  • First to develop an API-rated 100 percent synthetic motor oil.
  • First to introduce the concept of "extended drain intervals" with a recommended 25,000-mile/1-year drain interval.
  • First U.S. company to utilize the NOACK volatility test as a standard of performance excellence.
  • First to produce synthetic motor oils for diesel engines, racing engines, turbo and marine engines.
  • First to introduce synthetic oils that legitimately contribute to improving fuel efficiency.
  • First to manufacture synthetic gear lube for automotive use.
  • First to manufacture a 100:1 pre-mix synthetic 2-cycle oil.
  • First to manufacture a synthetic automatic transmission fluid for automotive use.

2008 Diesel Concentrate Plus Cold Flow Improver (October)
2008 INJEN Power-Flow Gasoline Intake Systems (September)
2008 Dominator® Synthetic Racing Oils: 5W-20, 10W-30 and 15W-50 (August)
2008 Heavy-Duty By-Pass Filtration System (BMK30) (July)
2008 INJEN Power-Flow Diesel Intake Systems (March)
2008 Severe Gear® Synthetic SAE 190 and SAE 250 Gear Lubricants (February)
2008 Series 500 DOT 3 High Performance Brake Fluid (BF3) (January)
2008 Series 600 DOT 4 Racing Brake Fluid (BF4) (January)
2007 Signature Series 0W-30 100% Synthetic Motor Oil (SSO) (October)
2007 EaPF Pre-Filters (September)
2007 EaAB Crankcase Breather Filters (August)
2007 Synthetic Universal Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) (Gallons added to lineup – May)
2007 EaAR Carbureted Engine Air Filters (April)
2007 Formula 4-Stroke 10W-40 Synthetic Scooter Oil (ASO) (April)

P.i. Performance Improver (API) (reformulated – March)


100% Synthetic 0W-20 Motor Oil (ASM) (March)

2007 SEVERE GEAR® Synthetic Extreme Pressure (EP) 75W-110 Lubricant (SVT)
2006 Synthetic 5W-40 Premium Diesel Oil (DEO)
2006 Diesel Cold Flow Improver (DFF)
2006 Diesel Concentrate Performance Fuel Additive (ADF)
2006 Ea Air Motorcycle Filters (EaAM)
2006 Ea Oil Motorcycle Filters (EaOM)
2006 Ea Air Induction Filters (EaAU)
2006 Ea Bypass Filters (EaBP)
2006 Formula 4-Stroke® Small Engine Oil 10W-30/SAE 30 (ASE)
2006 Engine Fogging Oil (FOG)
2005 Ea Oil Filters (EaO)
2005 Ea Air Filters (EaA)
2005 Formula 4-Stroke® Marine Synthetic Motor Oil 10W-30 (WCT)
2005 Formula 4-Stroke® Marine Synthetic Motor Oil 10W-40 (WCF)
2005 Manual Synchromesh Transmission Fluid (MTF)
2005 Manual Transmission & Transaxle Gear Lube (MTG)
2005 Motorcycle Oils (MCF and MCV)
2005 Marine Gear Lube (AGM)
2005 AMSOIL Foam Air Filter Cleaner (FFC)
2004 AMSOIL Long Life Synthetic 75W-90 Gear Lube (FGR)

AMSOIL Long Life Synthetic 80W-140 Gear Lube (FGO)

2004 SEVERE GEAR™ Synthetic Extreme Pressure 75W-140 Lubricant (SVO)
2004 SEVERE GEAR™ Synthetic Extreme Pressure 75W-90 Lubricant (SVG)
2004 AMSOIL High Tack Foam Filter Oil (AFO)
2004 AMSOIL Power Core™ Filters GM H2 Hummer 6.0L Vortec™ and Ford 6.0L Diesel PowerStroke™ Applications (PCF)
2004 AMS-Oiler™ Oil Precharger (AMK)
2004 AMSOIL PowerSports Air Filters
2004 BriteSide Heavy Duty SCRUB Hand Cleaner With Pumice (BHP)
2004 Synthetic 5W-40 European Engine Oil (AFL)
2004 Saber Outboard Synthetic 100:1 Pre-Mix 2-Cycle Oil (ATO)
2004 Saber Professional Synthetic 100:1 Pre-Mix 2-Cycle Oil (ATP)
2004 HP Injector Synthetic 2-Cycle Oil (HPI)
2004 DOMINATOR Synthetic 2-Cycle Racing Oil (TDR)
2003 Torque-Drive™ Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATD)
2003 INTERCEPTOR Synthetic 2-Cycle Oil (AIT)
2003 Slip Lock™ Differential Additive (ADA)
2003 SAE 10W-40 XL Synthetic Motor Oil (XLO)
2002 BriteSide Heavy Duty SCRUB Hand Cleaner (BSH)
2002 High Performance SuperDuty Motorcycle Filters (SMF)
2002 BriteSide T6 Cleaning Concentrate (BT6)
2001 Sirocco® Synthetic Ester Compressor Oil (SEI)
2001 SAE 0W-40 Formula 4-Stroke® Power Sports Synthetic Motor Oil (AFF)
2001 SAE 5W-20 XL Synthetic Motor Oil (XLM)
2001 X-Treme Synthetic Polymer Food Grade Grease (GXC)
2001 Supershift Racing Transmission Fluid (ART)
2001 Shock Therapy Suspension Fluid (STL & STM)
2000 Universal Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF)
2000 SAE 20W-50 Synthetic High Performance Motorcycle Engine Oil (AMV)
2000 SAE 10W-40 Synthetic High Performance Motorcycle Engine Oil (AMF)
2000 SAE 20W-50 Synthetic High Performance Motor Oil (ARO)
2000 SAE 10W-40 Synthetic High Performance Motor Oil (AMO)
1999 Thermally Stable Biodegradable Hydraulic Oil (TBI)
1999 SAE 60 Synthetic Super Heavy Weight Racing Oil (AHR)
1999 Heavy Duty Metal Protector (AMH)
1999 Series 2000 Chaincase Oil (TCC)
1998 Series 2000 2-Cycle Racing Oil
1998 Gasoline Stabilizer (AST)
1998 Octane Boost (AOB)
1998 AW Series Hydraulic Oils
1998 New By-Pass Oil Filter Kits Introduced
1998 Series 2000 Synthetic 75W-140 Gear Lube
1997 Pure Power Spot and Stain Remover
1997 The AMSOIL Quick Lube Program Introduced
1997 Series 2000 Synthetic 75W-90 Gear Lube
1997 AMSOIL INC.'s "The First In Synthetics" is trademarked
1997 Synthetic 5th Wheel and Open Gear Compound (GFW)
1997 SAE 5W-30 XL Synthetic Motor Oil (XLF)
1997 SAE 10W-30 XL Synthetic Motor Oil (XLM)
1997 PI Quick Shot
1997 Pro Formula Car Polish
1996 Under Coat
1996 Series 3000 Synthetic 5W-30 Heavy Duty Diesel Oil (HDD)
1996 Non-Flammable Rust Preventative
1996 Pro Formula BriteSide
1996 Pro Formula Metal Polish
1996 Pro Formula Vinyl and Leather Protectant
1996 Pro Formula Vinyl and Leather Cleaner
1996 Air Freshener Spray
1996 Series 2000 0W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil
1996 Silicone Lubricant Spray (ALS)
1996 Miracle Wash Waterless Wash and Polish (AMW)
1995 Series 2000 Racing Grease (GRG)
1995 Water Resistant Synthetic Grease (GWR)
1995 Pure Power Plus Multi-Purpose Cleaner
1995 Lure Gard Aqueous Rust Preventative with Fish Attractant
1995 Multi-Purpose Synthetic Spray Grease (GLC)
1995 Series 2000 Synthetic 20W-50 Racing Oil (TRO)
1994 Non-Pumice Industrial Hand Cleaner
1993 Propylene Glycol Antifreeze and Engine Coolant (ANT)
1993 Pumice Industrial Hand Cleaner
1992 Cetane Boost Diesel Fuel Additive (ACB)
1992 Dual Remote By-Pass Filtration System 
1991 Biodegradable 2-Cycle Oil
1991 2-Stage Air Filter
1991 5W-30 100% Synthetic Motor Oil (ASL)
1990 Rain Clear (ARS)
1990 BE-100 and BE-110 Spin-On By-Pass Oil Filters
1990 Dual-GARD By-Pass Filter Mount
1989 Synthetic Polymer Food Grade Grease
1987 20W-40 Synthetic Natural Gas Engine Oil (ANG)
1987 Spin-On By-Pass Oil Filters
1986 80W-90 Gear Lube GL-4 (AGL)
1985 Synthetic Multi-Purpose Grease and Synthetic Heavy Duty Grease
1985 2-Cycle Injector Oil
1985 5W-30 Para-Synthetic Motor Oil
1984 75W-90 Gear Lube
1984 10W-30 Turbo Oil
1984 Marine Gear Lube (ALU)
1983 Heavy Duty By-Pass Oil Filter
1983 TRIGARD Lifetime Oil Change System
1982 Marine Engine Oil
1982 Chrome Brite Cleaner and Polish
1982 Brite Side Whitewall Tire Cleaner
1982 Vinyl and Leather Protectant
1982 Vinyl and Leather Cleaner
1982 Silicone Shield Car Polish
1982 By-Pass Oil Filter
1982 Home Heating Fuel Extender
1982 Diesel Fuel Modifier
1982 Diesel Fuel Additive Concentrate
1980 Engine and Crankcase Cleaner
1980 Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF)
1980 POD Air Filter
1979 15W-40 Gas and Diesel Para-Synthetic Oil
1979 SAE 40 Racing Oil
1979 10W-40 Para-Synthetic Motor Oil (PMO)
1979 Air Filter Foam Oil
1979 Lifetime Air Filter
1978 MP Metal Protector (AMO)
1978 20W-50 Racing Oil
1978 85W-140 Gear Lube
1978 P.i. Fuel Additive (API)
1976 Grease
1976 Engine Oil Filters
1976 Rotary Compressor Oil
1976 Reciprocating Compressor Oil
1975 Power Foam
1975 Farm Tractor Hydraulic/Transmission Fluid
1975 Hydraulic Oil
1975 SE, CC, CD Diesel Oil
1974 80W-90 Gear Lube
1973 2-Cycle Oil
1972 10W-40 100% Synthetic Oil (API SE Approved)
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